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San Antonio Liquidation
San Antonio Liquidations
San Antonio Liquidator
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Welcome to
San Antonio Liquidation

At San Antonio Liquidation LLC., we specialize in helping your business consolidate inventory and excess business assets. We offer a formal appraisal and purchase of your assets for immediate cash or can use direct sales channels to get the highest value for your inventory on a commission basis. We evaluate each asset and determine the sales channel that will result in the highest net return and turn your assets into cash. Our sales methods maintain complete discretion for your business.

Upsizing, Downsizing, Relocating, Closing, Renovating?
San Antonio Liquidation LLC. offers an end-to-end asset management service to help your business transition.

Looking for a Cash Flow Position For Your Business Assets?
Using a vast network of sales channels, we use direct sales, exporting, and internet auctions to get the highest net return for your inventory in the shortest period of time.

What are Your Business Needs and Goals?
Oftentimes businesses in transition have business needs and goals that must be met which may include short move windows, using a cash flow position to purchase new assets and equipment, or freeing up valuable space. We help achieve your goals.

We Offer:
1. Asset Appraisal and Consultation.
2. A Free Appraisal within 48 Hours.
3. Free Inventory Shipping, Storage, Removal, and Property Clearance.
4. A Targeted Sales Process to Get the Highest Net Return for Your Inventory
5. An Asset Management and Tracking Program
6. A Cash Flow Position for Your Business Assets in as Little As 48 Hours.

San Antonio Liquidation LLC is not a liquidation firm, liquidator, nor auction house. San Antonio Liquidation LLC uses real-time data analytics, direct-sales, and marketing approaches to maximizes the value of your depreciating assets. Call us today at (800)-297-7009 to maximize the value of your assets and get you the highest return on capital invested.

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    J.C, San Antonio, TX

    The thought that my company could go from nearly $190,000 in DEBT to having hundreds of thousands of cash on hand seem to good to be true – but you guys made it happen.

    L. G., San Antonio, TX

    Dixie Rents had a large quantity of assests to sell, was hired to sell our equipment. We were satisfied with their performance, the removal of the equipment, and the work was done in a timely manner.

    N.O, San Antonio, TX

    San Antonio Liquidation LLC., with their knowledge of business assets and professional attitude were able to save my business.